Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Awaking Moment...
Consciously and Deliberately
(its a frame of mind)
(its a frame of mind)
I’ve been taught (like most of us) that in order for me to be happy, I have
to change other people and change the world. The bad news is that I probably
can’t do that. Fortunately, that isn’t the truth about how life works. Most of
the time I don’t have the means to change the world. So, if that’s the truth,
I’ll probably never feel good or achieve happiness. I do believe that I should
do whatever I can to try to change some aspects of the world, but that’s usually
very limited.
The good news is that I don’t have to change the world in order for me to feel good. My happiness doesn’t depend on what’s going on outside of me. It depends on what’s going on inside of me. In order for me to feel good and to be happy, if I’m not, I have to change myself, not somebody else. And that’s something I can do, if I choose to do so. That’s truly good news.
That’s the good news that most people have never heard—that our happiness doesn’t depend on other people or on what’s going on outside of us. Our happiness only depends on what’s going on inside of us, and we can do something about that! And, when we’re feeling better, people around us feel better, too. People tend to react, not to act, due to their habitual thinking. So it’s easier for them to act better when we’re feeling better than it is when we’re feeling bad, like they probably are. Our feeling good helps others to feel better. That’s one of the ways that we shine our light in the world.
The reason this idea works is because I’m the only thinker in my interior world. I’m the only one thinking my thoughts. So if I’m having a dreadful day, guess who’s doing the thinking that makes it feel as such to me. Therefore, for “things” to change, I have to change my thinking. If I just keep focusing on trying to change what’s out there, and do nothing about what’s happening in here, things aren’t going to change for the better in my life. They’re just going to stay about the same, or even get worse. That may not be what I want to hear, but it is what I need to hear, and what we all must hear until we start choosing thoughts that serve us, instead of choosing, unconsciously (usually) or even consciously, thoughts that deserve us.
The reason I would want to put this option to work for me is because how I feel determines what I’m attracting into my life. What’s going on outside of me doesn’t determine what I attract. What I’m vibrating or resonating determines what I attract, because like attracts like. It’s really that simple.
I can tell what I’ve been vibrating by observing what’s shown up in my life. If I don’t like the results that are in my life, I can always “choose again,” as in Miracles constantly they reminds us, get on with having a lighter, brighter day. Or I can keep on dwelling on thoughts that make me feel down, and stay where I am. It’s always my choice, whether I consciously make that choice or not. Not to decide is to decide not to.
So, the only way I can have a "Bad" day is to choose (probably unconsciously, habitually) to think about things that make me feel sad or down. And that still applies even and especially when things outside of me aren’t going my way. The way for me to feel better, regardless of what is or isn’t going on outside of me, is to deliberately choose to think thoughts that make me feel better, because it’s my thinking, inside of me, that determines how I feel, not what’s happening outside of me, though that can affect my thinking, if I allow it to do so. Regardless of what’s happening or not happening in my world, I’m still the one doing the feeling about it.
I’m always the one who decides how my day is going, or how it’s going to go for the rest of the day. If I don’t like how it’s going, I always have the option to consciously and deliberately decide to change my focus and thus change my experience. That’s how it’s done. That’s simply the way it’s been set up.
Jesus taught us that lesson when he taught us that it isn’t done unto us as it is; it’s done unto us as we believe. I’ve noticed, however, that most of us have missed that lesson, even if we’ve read it over and over. Today presents another opportunity for me to practice how my thinking is going to affect my world.
I keep repeating a lesson because I haven’t gotten it. I don’t say “2+2=5” in order to learn that lesson. I say that because I haven’t learned that lesson. When I learn the lesson, it stops showing up, because I stop creating situations that make it show up for me.
Only I can change my world, because I’m the one who colors my world by my thinking. I’m the only one who sees my world through the my-colored sunglasses I’m wearing—my perception of the world. No one else sees my world for me. How I see the world, based on my beliefs and biases, affects how the world shows up for me. The observer always influences the observed because s/he determines what s/he is seeing, by the interpretations s/he applies to what s/he observes.
I always have the option to put the power of deliberate choice to work for me, to my advantage. It’s difficult at first because it isn’t habitual. Due to the law of inertia (things at rest tend to stay at rest), it takes motivation to get me moving, once I’m stopped. I tend to resist new ideas because they aren’t habitual. They take deliberate effort. But being willing to work through that resistance helps me to make a new, more productive way of living become my new habit. Repetition is how I create my habits, which either serve me or deserve me.
Choosing happier thoughts isn’t the hard part. Deciding to do it and following through with that decision is the hard part. Once I’ve truly decided to do it, doing it is easy. I simply focus my attention on topics that make me feel good. I turn my thinking away from ideas that make me feel bad and turn it, instead, to ideas that make me feel good. This does take some effort initially, however, since my habits that aren’t serving me are still driving me. And it takes some effort repeatedly, while I’m doing it, initially. But its worth the work, because eventually it will become habitual too, and then it will start working automatically for me, just like my old way of thinking used to work against me.
I begin to do it by first making a decision to notice how I’m feeling throughout my day. When I begin to notice that I’m not feeling good, I’m then aware of what’s happening. So I can then make another decision, to immediately swing into action to change the thought I’m thinking or the action I’m doing.
I replace the current thought or action, that doesn’t serve me, with a thought that does serve me. I determine to focus on something else, something that makes me feel better, even a little bit better. And I keep on doing this, thought by thought, until I notice that I’m feeling better. If I’m dealing with a problem, I can always deal with it better when I’m feeling good, than I can when I’m feeling bad.
What makes this seem difficult is because I usually live life on automatic. My habits drive my life. That’s convenient and saves me a lot of extra effort, by automatically making many decisions for me. That can work for me very well, as long as my habitual way of doing things is productive for me. It can also work against me, when my habits don’t serve me well. That’s when I have to stop living automatically, habitually, unconsciously, and start living consciously, deliberately, making new, better choices as I go along, instead of letting old, counterproductive choices be made for me, by my habitual way of thinking and acting.
This is simply reversing the process that got me feeling heavy or down in the first place. It all started with a simple thought or action, followed by a string of similar thoughts. I continued that chain of thoughts, over and over, all leading in a downward spin, until the molehill became a mountain. And then I declared how depressed I was! It doesn’t have to keep on going that way, if I’m willing to notice how I’m feeling, and then stop that chain of pain before it gets too big to handle. But this doesn’t ever happen automatically. It always requires a definite decision to make the change, and then the commitment to follow through in making that change.
Only I can learn the truth for me. And only I can decide to practice it or not practice it. That’s the way it works. I can keep on doing what I’ve always done, and keep on getting what I’ve always gotten. Or, starting today, or beginning again today, I can consciously and deliberately choose to do things differently, to deliberately choose thoughts that serve me, and thus begin, or reaffirm, a new habit that will serve me well, just like the old habit has served me badly.
The good news is that I don’t have to change the world in order for me to feel good. My happiness doesn’t depend on what’s going on outside of me. It depends on what’s going on inside of me. In order for me to feel good and to be happy, if I’m not, I have to change myself, not somebody else. And that’s something I can do, if I choose to do so. That’s truly good news.
That’s the good news that most people have never heard—that our happiness doesn’t depend on other people or on what’s going on outside of us. Our happiness only depends on what’s going on inside of us, and we can do something about that! And, when we’re feeling better, people around us feel better, too. People tend to react, not to act, due to their habitual thinking. So it’s easier for them to act better when we’re feeling better than it is when we’re feeling bad, like they probably are. Our feeling good helps others to feel better. That’s one of the ways that we shine our light in the world.
The reason this idea works is because I’m the only thinker in my interior world. I’m the only one thinking my thoughts. So if I’m having a dreadful day, guess who’s doing the thinking that makes it feel as such to me. Therefore, for “things” to change, I have to change my thinking. If I just keep focusing on trying to change what’s out there, and do nothing about what’s happening in here, things aren’t going to change for the better in my life. They’re just going to stay about the same, or even get worse. That may not be what I want to hear, but it is what I need to hear, and what we all must hear until we start choosing thoughts that serve us, instead of choosing, unconsciously (usually) or even consciously, thoughts that deserve us.
The reason I would want to put this option to work for me is because how I feel determines what I’m attracting into my life. What’s going on outside of me doesn’t determine what I attract. What I’m vibrating or resonating determines what I attract, because like attracts like. It’s really that simple.
I can tell what I’ve been vibrating by observing what’s shown up in my life. If I don’t like the results that are in my life, I can always “choose again,” as in Miracles constantly they reminds us, get on with having a lighter, brighter day. Or I can keep on dwelling on thoughts that make me feel down, and stay where I am. It’s always my choice, whether I consciously make that choice or not. Not to decide is to decide not to.
So, the only way I can have a "Bad" day is to choose (probably unconsciously, habitually) to think about things that make me feel sad or down. And that still applies even and especially when things outside of me aren’t going my way. The way for me to feel better, regardless of what is or isn’t going on outside of me, is to deliberately choose to think thoughts that make me feel better, because it’s my thinking, inside of me, that determines how I feel, not what’s happening outside of me, though that can affect my thinking, if I allow it to do so. Regardless of what’s happening or not happening in my world, I’m still the one doing the feeling about it.
I’m always the one who decides how my day is going, or how it’s going to go for the rest of the day. If I don’t like how it’s going, I always have the option to consciously and deliberately decide to change my focus and thus change my experience. That’s how it’s done. That’s simply the way it’s been set up.
Jesus taught us that lesson when he taught us that it isn’t done unto us as it is; it’s done unto us as we believe. I’ve noticed, however, that most of us have missed that lesson, even if we’ve read it over and over. Today presents another opportunity for me to practice how my thinking is going to affect my world.
I keep repeating a lesson because I haven’t gotten it. I don’t say “2+2=5” in order to learn that lesson. I say that because I haven’t learned that lesson. When I learn the lesson, it stops showing up, because I stop creating situations that make it show up for me.
Only I can change my world, because I’m the one who colors my world by my thinking. I’m the only one who sees my world through the my-colored sunglasses I’m wearing—my perception of the world. No one else sees my world for me. How I see the world, based on my beliefs and biases, affects how the world shows up for me. The observer always influences the observed because s/he determines what s/he is seeing, by the interpretations s/he applies to what s/he observes.
I always have the option to put the power of deliberate choice to work for me, to my advantage. It’s difficult at first because it isn’t habitual. Due to the law of inertia (things at rest tend to stay at rest), it takes motivation to get me moving, once I’m stopped. I tend to resist new ideas because they aren’t habitual. They take deliberate effort. But being willing to work through that resistance helps me to make a new, more productive way of living become my new habit. Repetition is how I create my habits, which either serve me or deserve me.
Choosing happier thoughts isn’t the hard part. Deciding to do it and following through with that decision is the hard part. Once I’ve truly decided to do it, doing it is easy. I simply focus my attention on topics that make me feel good. I turn my thinking away from ideas that make me feel bad and turn it, instead, to ideas that make me feel good. This does take some effort initially, however, since my habits that aren’t serving me are still driving me. And it takes some effort repeatedly, while I’m doing it, initially. But its worth the work, because eventually it will become habitual too, and then it will start working automatically for me, just like my old way of thinking used to work against me.
I begin to do it by first making a decision to notice how I’m feeling throughout my day. When I begin to notice that I’m not feeling good, I’m then aware of what’s happening. So I can then make another decision, to immediately swing into action to change the thought I’m thinking or the action I’m doing.
I replace the current thought or action, that doesn’t serve me, with a thought that does serve me. I determine to focus on something else, something that makes me feel better, even a little bit better. And I keep on doing this, thought by thought, until I notice that I’m feeling better. If I’m dealing with a problem, I can always deal with it better when I’m feeling good, than I can when I’m feeling bad.
What makes this seem difficult is because I usually live life on automatic. My habits drive my life. That’s convenient and saves me a lot of extra effort, by automatically making many decisions for me. That can work for me very well, as long as my habitual way of doing things is productive for me. It can also work against me, when my habits don’t serve me well. That’s when I have to stop living automatically, habitually, unconsciously, and start living consciously, deliberately, making new, better choices as I go along, instead of letting old, counterproductive choices be made for me, by my habitual way of thinking and acting.
This is simply reversing the process that got me feeling heavy or down in the first place. It all started with a simple thought or action, followed by a string of similar thoughts. I continued that chain of thoughts, over and over, all leading in a downward spin, until the molehill became a mountain. And then I declared how depressed I was! It doesn’t have to keep on going that way, if I’m willing to notice how I’m feeling, and then stop that chain of pain before it gets too big to handle. But this doesn’t ever happen automatically. It always requires a definite decision to make the change, and then the commitment to follow through in making that change.
Only I can learn the truth for me. And only I can decide to practice it or not practice it. That’s the way it works. I can keep on doing what I’ve always done, and keep on getting what I’ve always gotten. Or, starting today, or beginning again today, I can consciously and deliberately choose to do things differently, to deliberately choose thoughts that serve me, and thus begin, or reaffirm, a new habit that will serve me well, just like the old habit has served me badly.
Nobody but I can be honest about my thinking. Only I can do that. It takes point blank honesty, being brutally honest with oneself, to create the changes one wants in one’s life. I can keep on excusing myself for my thoughts, and keep on living like I’ve always lived, always blaming my problems on someone else, or I can consciously and deliberately take responsibility for my thoughts and my actions or inaction's, and change my life for the better. It’s always been my choice, and I’ve always been choosing, whether my choice has been made deliberately or automatically (habitually). Usually it’s been automatically.
My habits automatically choose for me until I decide to consciously and deliberately choose otherwise, if those habits are not serving me. Not to decide is to decide not to. I can create habitual thoughts that serve me, instead of letting thoughts that don’t serve me habitually run my life.
You, too, can make up your mind to stop having bad days. It really is a decision you can make. You have the power to do that. And only you can do that for you; no one else can do it for you. If you don’t do it, it won’t get done. You’ll simply be cheating yourself out of the happiness you deserve. You don’t have to do that. You don’t have to keep on living that way.
Consciously and deliberately decide to give up bad days.
You, too, can make up your mind to stop having bad days. It really is a decision you can make. You have the power to do that. And only you can do that for you; no one else can do it for you. If you don’t do it, it won’t get done. You’ll simply be cheating yourself out of the happiness you deserve. You don’t have to do that. You don’t have to keep on living that way.
Consciously and deliberately decide to give up bad days.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Simple Truth
“Enlightenment is a journey of no distance, to a destination you never
You don’t have to move in “metaphysical” circles for very long to start hearing about enlightenment. It seems that everyone in these circles wants it, but nobody seems to want it today. They’re always striving to achieve it someday. And someday never seems to come.
Long held in secrecy, the concept of enlightenment is taught to initiates and carefully kept from the masses. Jesus sought to end that through his example of an enlightened life. But his message was subverted into something far less useful for the people’s good and far more useful for their controllers’ good, through the deliberate, coordinated effort of those seeking to control civilization for their own agendas. It is time for all of that to end. It is now time for the simple truth to be told.
Contrary to popular thought, enlightenment isn’t an attainment of near impossibility, but simply an acceptance of who you’ve always been. The problem with “enlightenment” isn’t due to the difficulty of achieving some lofty but elusive spiritual goal. The seeming difficulty lies only in the fact that we’ve been taught that we’re unenlightened, unworthy, and unlovable. Yet we’ve also been taught the holiness of God, deemed far above our own demeaned status. So we’ve been given a vision of attaining a nearly unreachable star, for which we should heartily strive, when all the while our controllers continue our indoctrination in unworthiness—the perfect combination for keeping us reaching for the carrot of enlightenment yet never grasping it.
Fortunately, our status is merely a belief that we are unenlightened. Therein alone lies the basis for the seeming difficulty of attaining enlightenment. The answer to that dilemma is simple. Our beliefs can be changed. They aren’t immutable. We adopted them, and we can change them. And the belief that changes the whole picture is the acceptance of who we truly are—sons and daughters of the Most High.
If Godness created us, how could we be anything other than enlightened? Nothing we’ve ever done or not done, or ever will do or not do, has changed or can change who we eternally are. Only our belief to the contrary keeps us from living enlightenment, our natural heritage, as the offspring of Godness. Someone once put it very clearly: “If you think you’re not as close to God as you used to be, guess who moved!”
Living enlightenment is an easy and natural process for one who knows who he/she truly is. It takes no effort to be who you are; it’s natural and effortless. The difficulty stems from believing that you aren’t who you truly are, and then trying to live something you believe is nearly impossible to attain. It’s easy to tell the difference between a student of enlightenment and a master of enlightenment. The student strives to “walk his talk”; the master simply and easily “talks his walk”—he teaches what he lives day-by-day. The master will never teach you that attaining enlightenment is difficult. (Feel free to gender-substitute here, as enlightenment is genderless.)
The ancient statement, “Enlightenment is a journey of no distance, to a destination you never left,” simply and eloquently explains the truth. Welcome home, traveler. Your journey ends where it began. You are, and have always been, the Christ, the only Son/Daughter of Godness. Enlightenment is your birthright. It’s always been yours, because it’s always been who you are. Don’t let anyone steal it from you again. You can’t not have enlightenment, but you can claim to not have it. And you can live a belief that you’re unenlightened, even while striving to “attain” enlightenment. Stop claiming unenlightenment, and simply begin accepting who you truly are, instead of accepting who you aren’t, and then live who you are. Nothing is required to attain enlightenment; it is simply a matter of being who you’ve always been. And you do that by giving yourself permission to be and to live the truth that is already within you.
Beloved one, how do I love you?
Beloved one, how do I love you?
“Let me count the ways.” Yes, you have a very famous writing which has stood the test of time. I love you because I know That Which you are. I love you because I love myself, and I am you. Take that deeply into the consciousness.
I, whom you have seen to be an individual who had a lifetime a long time ago, I am you, and I am living your lifetime as you see your reality now to be. I live through you and as you, and with you as the One that we are.
“Well, how can that be?” you ask. “I mean, he’s one Yeshua. He’s one Jesus who was a fully realized human being. He knew who he was as spirit, and I don’t know that. From time to time I really feel quite human.”
Drawing By: Daemeon Pearson |
Well, I will say unto you that even in my lifetime as one Yeshua I knew human reality; I knew human emotions. You have it recorded in your holy Scriptures that I looked upon Jerusalem and knew the conflict that was going on there, and I wept.
I even knew jealousy. Early on in life I compared myself to my cousin John, the one you know as the Baptist. He was bigger, taller, a bit older than I, and I knew jealousy until I realized that we all have different qualities and yet we come from the same Source.
I took a deep breath, you see, and I sat by flowing water and watched the water as spirit flowing. I became One with the water to the place where it did not really matter that my cousin John was bigger than I, could run faster than I, climb a tree faster and easier than I. It did not really matter, because I knew myself to be ongoing spirit, Life itself.
I knew the human emotions. I knew frustration when I could see a better vision and I overturned the money changers’ tables—a little bit of frustration there; a little bit of human emotion. I wanted to make a point, and it did stem from frustration. But I wanted to make a point to them where they would stop and perhaps think that there could be another way to do things.
I knew how it felt to be tempted by the world. You have the quotation in your holy Scriptures where I said, “Get thee behind me, Satan.” In other words, “Do not bring temptation to me to live in separation in the small egoic self. I do not want it. Get thee behind me, Satan”—all of the temptations of lesser emotions.
I also understood the opportunity to entertain the feeling of fear. Again, you have it recorded in your holy Scriptures that I prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, that “if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou wilt.”
So, you see, I knew human emotions. But I also knew what you are coming to know: that none of those emotions is lasting. And you have experienced that. You may get very upset with someone and you may feel that you really, really want to shout to the heavens; and yes, I have heard you when you have been shouting to the heavens. But then the energy passes.
You are like the volcano which erupts with the energy of emotion, but I have also seen you calm the volcano. I have also seen you ask for better vision. “What is truly going on here?” you have asked. “I want to see the whole picture. I want to see much more than what has just pushed my buttons,” as you like to call it.
You are moving into a space of expanded consciousness. You have come to a place of wanting to abide in the heart, to abide in stillness and in peace, to abide in love and understanding, to know that brothers and sisters may choose other choices than the ones you would make, but they are doing their completions and they are following their divine path at this time as they see it.
So allow yourself to be at peace always and anywhere you find yourself to be. You are as the ripples on the pond, because as you come to a place of peace within yourself, it ripples out and touches other ones.
Conversely, when you are upset and emoting, that is also felt by the brothers and sisters, and they may have to leave you for a while — or they may join in, because human drama is an adrenaline rush and it is exciting. It proves to you, if you need any proof, that you are living a reality, and it feels very important.
But then, when you have done this enough times, you come to a place of saying, “Okay, I know that road. I know where it leads. I don’t have to go that way. I can if I want to,” and you can, “but I don’t really need to. I’ve been down that road before many times. So I can take a deep breath.”
And with the deep breath comes peace. If it does not come right away, breathe again and again and again until finally you may even fall asleep, but that is okay. You have come to a place of peace which allows you to be asleep for a while to allow the body to relax. And when you awaken, you will not be in the same place that you were emotionally before the time of sleep.
I love That Which you are, because I know That Which you are.
knowing that you are divine Love, divine Light, divine spirit going forward one more time into a reality that you are making for yourself, a reality that yet believes in duality and all of the gradations between the best and the most terrible. And you know how those emotions feel.
I love you as I love myself. Now, I would exhort you to love yourself. You have a teaching which has come down through the ages through your religious/philosophical organizations which has commanded you to love me, to love Jesus, and to love God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, with all your being.
You have done the best that you could do with that, but it has been yet placing your love outside of yourself, loving me or God as separate and above you. Love yourself. Take time in every day to say the words, “I love myself. I really love me. I really love my life.”
And if separated ego runs in and says, “Yes, but what about…etc.,” you take the deep breath and you say, “I love the divine Self of me. I am having a human experience,” and you are, “and it is good. And I love the fact that I have the courage to have a human experience.”
I have said to you many times that I honor you because of the courage it has taken to choose one more incarnation in a reality which does not believe totally in love — or even a small bit sometimes.
I love That Which you are because I know Who and What you are: the extension of the one creative Principle. I have shared with you many times how I enjoy—I live in joy—to watch you—me, as I am within you—handle the different situations in life and how soon you rise up over what may be a tripping point and how soon you come back to the place of centeredness which says, “I Am That Which I Am. I Am All. I Am One. I am One with Yeshua. I am One with Mother Mary. I am One with my brother. I am One with my sister.”
Oh, my, that is an interesting thought, and it is true. Because, as I have said to you over the many, many years I have spoken with you, there is no separation. Now, do you think I say that over and over just to flap my gums a bit? No. I say it to you because it is true. There is no separation.
I am you; you are me expressing the creative Principle. I live within you. I am not on the cross. I am not outside of you somewhere to be adored, to be loved as a separate entity. I live through you as you. I have said to you many times, “I walk with you as you.”
And you have said, “Oh, that sounds nice, but I don’t know what that means. I’m facing all of these choices and challenges and Yeshua would know what to do, but I don’t know what to do, so therefore I guess, well, maybe he’s over here; maybe he’s really close; he might even have his arm around my shoulder. But to be One with him, with That Which he is? I don’t know how that would be.”
Yes, you are, and I Am, One. “Deep, really deep,” you say, and yet it is simplicity itself. Everything that you encounter is the creativity of you. Everything that you bring into your reality, your hologram—as we have spent many months talking about the hologram that you make, the illusion of reality, lower case “r”—I am in that with you, as well. Never do you walk alone.
Now, I know separated ego says, “Oh, yeah, well, he can say that, but you know, I feel really alone.” Have you ever looked at your word “alone” and taken it apart? All one, alone. All One.
So at your times of feeling most alone, allow yourself the deep breath and say, “Yeshua, I’m sure glad that you’re with me, that you are as me, that we are going together as One through this lifetime.”
The energy that you are is not contained within the body. Bodies are separate as they seem to be defined by the edge of the skin, but your body truly does not even end there. There is what is termed the aura that you already know about, and your energy goes out farther than that, in any case, and blends with everyone else’s.
I Am that energy. I Am spiritual energy, as you are. That is how I can be within and as you and everyone else. There is no limitation. Bodies suggest limitation, but in truth, there is no limitation. There is no separation.
So when you awaken in the morning, allow yourself to welcome me to walk with you throughout the day. I will be doing it anyway, but it is nice to be acknowledged. I cannot go anywhere apart from you. Even if I wanted to, which I do not, I could not, because we are all divine energy, spiritual energy.
The matrix out of which we form that which we experience is creative divine energy. It is called love. And as you allow yourself to acknowledge the love that you are, it expands and you begin to understand what the words have been telling you. Words are clues. The words I have spoken unto you for a long, long time have been Truth. There is no separation. I live through you as you. Therefore, I love That Which we are.
How do I love thee? With a most expansive, unlimited, immeasureable —because it is unlimited—love. It is the love of the Father, Abba. It is the love of the Mother. It is the love of spirit. It is the love any way that you want to define it. It is that and more, because truly no definition can limit the Love that you are.
I love the ocean of Love that we are, and there is nothing else to do except be That Which we are. Yes, you can struggle with all the ups and downs of the world. You can have projects that you want to work on, and that is good, especially if you bring the Light of your consciousness to it, the love of your consciousness, and that you use as your touchstone for any project that you give your energy to, “Is this done in love? Is this done to further the expansion of love?”
And then stand back and do not judge, because there may be—as we have spoken so often—a bit of improv that comes in. You may think, in separated ego terms, that you have it all worked out. You have been there, where you had it all worked out, and then something happened, a little bit of improv that perhaps somebody threw in there and you said, “Well, I have to go back to square one and start over with this again.”
Well, truly, you never go back to square one, but you do the improv and you do make changes and you do expand. So whenever there may be a bit of a quirk that is thrown into a project, allow yourself to say, “Okay, this is for my expansion. I will have a new perspective out of this, even if I did not expect a new perspective.”
Then allow yourself to rejoice—to take the deep breath and to be in peace. Joy and peace are your divine nature and that is what you are connecting with as the awakened Christ.
How do I love you? With an eternal love that cannot even be measured; it cannot be measured in quantity or in time. It can only be acknowledged.
I love That Which you are: a deep abiding Love. I Am you, and you are me. You are within the divinity of One. And yes, you often play the drama of being, “Well, I’m only human,” but you are much more than that. You are the Love which has existed from before we created time, and you are the Love which will always be, even after the purpose of time has been fulfilled—forever and always as One.
How do I love thee? With a great abiding, understanding, and awakening of the Love that we are; the one divine extension; the One so loved that it could never be abandoned.
How DO you LOVE thee?
Just let GO...
Carl Goddard
Sun Gazing
A psychologist walked around a room while teaching stress management to an audience. As she raised a glass of water, everyone expected they’d be asked the “half empty or half full” question. Instead, with a smile on her face, she inquired: “How heavy is this glass of water?”
Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz.
... She replied, “The absolute weight doesn’t matter. It depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it’s not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I’ll have an ache in my arm. If I hold it for a day, my arm will feel numb and paralyzed. In each case, the weight of the glass doesn’t change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.” She continued, “The stresses and worries in life are like that glass of water. Think about them for a while and nothing happens. Think about them a bit longer and they begin to hurt. And if you think about them all day long, you will feel paralyzed – incapable of doing anything.”
It’s important to remember to let go of your stresses. As early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down. Don’t carry them through the evening and into the night. Remember to put the glass down!
Chem Trails?
Can someone please explain to me why at 11 pm february 25 2013 while starting the car for my Wife to leave for work. I look up to notice my neighbor staring into the sky pointing. Pointing at 2 U type military aircraft flying in operational formation, with a lead navigator, and a secondary just off its right flank. It was this second aircraft that had our attention, as first they were but 1500 ft.... in elevation but most important it seemed as if it were spraying a trail that went as far as we could see, as wide as our building just a thick dense cloud. To truly understand my concern it continued with 2 more passes that I've have seen through this night... at this point we left confused with no where to turn for answers, what in the world is going on?
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